Complaint Line: 403-625-2248
The focus of the Special Constable’s efforts is on public education to obtain compliance with the bylaws of The Municipal District of Willow Creek No. 26 and provincial statutes.
Typical Duties:
Perform administrative and investigative work in the enforcement of all appropriate Municipal District bylaws and pertinent provincial statues; nuisance properties and litter control, waste management enforcement, licensing/collection, and utility inspections.
Provincial Statutes:
- Animal Protection Act
- Dangerous Dog Act
- Environmental Protection & Enhancement Act
- Gaming & Liquor Act
- Traffic Act (Includes Motor Vehicle Administration/Off-Highway Vehicle)
- Provincial Offence Procedure Act
- Stray Animal Act
Business Licence Bylaw No. 1603: Sections 6 and 7: Any individual or firm which carries on business within or partly within the rural area of this municipality requires a business licence.
Business Licence Application Form Click on "file" and "print", or you can click on "file" and "save as" to save the form for printing later.
Escaped Irrigation Bylaw No. 1099: Section 2: Council prohibits any person from operating irrigation systems in such a manner that water is caused or permitted to escape from the irrigated land into a road ditch or into or on a roadway within the said Municipal District.
For inquiries regarding bylaws please call: 403 625-3351